Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Bathroom

The Bathroom

The original toilet was broken beyond repair and we were unsure of the integrity of the built-in holding tank, so we decided to tear it all out and start fresh. 

The floor had to remain raised as it was originally, to low for passage of the electrical and plumbing supply lines (yet to be run in the above photo). The original floor was in good shape (thankfully), so it was simply a matter of putting some boards down, then cutting the plywood to fit.

Plywood fit in place. It is not secured to the floor joists yet. We're waiting until we finalize our plumbing/toilet decisions. 

For the time being, we set our Reenacting toilet in there. This was made for us by a good friend in Florida, Mr. Fowler, back when we used to do Civil War Reenacting.

The bathroom walls received a few coats of paint leftover from painting a room in iur house some time ago. Even though the color doesn't much the rest of the interior, the paint was already paid for and works fine.

We're planning on getting a proper camper toilet as soon as we find one that is a good deal.

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